Bye bye Blazusiak
Der polnische Endurofahrer Taddy Blazusiak gab heute bekannt, daß er seine aktive Laufbahn im Endurosport beenden wird.
Taddy erschien vor rund 10 Jahren aus dem Nichts auf der Hardenduro-Bühne, als er 2007 überraschend das Hare Scramble beim Erzbergrodeo gewinnen konnte.
Insgesamt gewann der 33-jährige Pole fünf Mal das Rennen am Iron Giant (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 und 2011) sowie einige weitere Hardenduro- und Endurocross-Rennen.
Blazusiak: “I have been thinking about this decision for a while now. I have always told myself that I will make that call when I feel the time is right. I’ve been racing around the world for a long time. I trained the best and hardest I could, and I raced for every race win and championship I entered like there is no tomorrow. I achieved more than I ever thought I could, and I’m grateful for all the great memories from all my years of racing. I want to say thank you to my family, especially to my brother Wojciech, for all the hard work and for being there for me from the beginning. Thank you also to my team manager and friend Alex Doringer, and of course special thanks to the KTM CEO Mr. Stefan Pierer and KTM Motorsport Director Pit Beirer for the opportunity to chase my dreams. Thank you to all the people at KTM Factory Racing for the best bike out there, and naturally also a huge thank you to Red Bull and all my long-term sponsors. I’m grateful for all the fans around the world and thank you for your support – on to the next adventure.”
Fotos: Samo Vidic/Red Bull Content Pool; Jo Wolframm/Dr. Dirt