HELL’S GATE 2016: Wade Young siegt vor Jarvis und Roman

Beim diesjährigen Hell’s Gate konnte der junge Südafrikaner Wade Young beweisen, wie gut er sich bereits auf sein neues Motorrad eingestellt hat. Obwohl es erst das zweite Rennen auf Sherco war, gelang Young ein Start-Ziel-Sieg im italienischen Castelvecchio Pascoli.

#HellsGate2016 Final:1. Wade Young2. Graham Jarvis3. Mario Roman

Posted by www.ig-gatsch.at on Samstag, 6. Februar 2016

Das Husqvarna Extreme Enduro Duo Jarvis und Roman folgte bei optimalen Bedingungen auf den Plätzen zwei und drei.


Graham Jarvis: “I didn’t make things easy for myself at the start. I was really slow away from the drop of the flag, so I had quite a few riders to pass. There were only two technical areas of the track, so it was hard to make up time. The spectators did a great job helping the riders, but again it made it hard for me to make up any time on Wade. But hats off to Wade, he rode a really good race. I feel like I rode well, so I’m happy with that, and it’s another podium result at Hell’s Gate. Although it was a completely different race than all previous years it was still tough – it was a long day on the bike.”


Mario Roman: “I’m really pleased with my result. Everything went well in the morning qualifying race. I had one crash that cost me around 15 seconds, without it I’m sure I would have qualified first for the evening race. The main race was tough – it wore you down lap after lap. There were only a few really hard places, but added to the long morning race it was physical. Finishing on the podium with Graham is great. Everything was going well but on one of the hard parts of the track a spectator accidentally broke my front light. I had to stop in the pits twice to fix it, losing time. But I’m really pleased. Now I return to the SuperEnduro World Championship.”

Ergebnisse: Hell’s Gate 2016
1. Wade Young (Sherco)
2. Graham Jarvis (Husqvarna)
3. Mario Roman (Husqvarna)
4. Diego Nicoletti (Beta)

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Posted by Massimo Di Trapani on Sonntag, 7. Februar 2016