Jarvis gewinnt die Roof of Africa 2015

Zu einem erfolgreichen Abschluss bringt Graham Jarvis die Extrem-Enduro-Saison 2015 in Lesotho mit einem Sieg bei der Roof of Africa.

GM---Day-3---ROA---21_kl Mit gutem Vorsprung vor den beiden jungen Südafrikanern Wade Young und Brett Swanepoel sichert sich der Brite souverän den Sieg.

Anzumerken ist allerdings, dass die restlichen Extrem-Enduro-Mitstreiter wie Jonny Walker, Alfredo Gomez oder Paul Bolton beim ersten Lauf der FIM SuperEnduro World Championship 2016 im polnischen Łódź gestartet sind.


Graham Jarvis: “It feels great to get the win at the Roof of Africa. It’s an incredible event, and this year was as tough as ever. I’ve learned lot over the years and I know I’m not as quick as the younger riders on the faster sections, so this year it was all about taking my time and waiting for the more technical sections. The first two days were really about putting myself in the right position for the final day. At the start of the final day I decided to stay behind the guys ahead of me at first. I let them do some of the navigating, and saved some energy. Last year I ran out of energy, so I didn’t want to make that mistake again. Once we arrived at the difficult hill climbs I gave it everything I had.  I knew that was where I could make up time, and things went to plan. The Roof of Africa certainly doesn’t get any easier, but to end 2015 with a win here is a great way to finish off the season.”


Results – Roof of Africa 2015
1. Graham Jarvis
2. Wade Young
3. Brett Swanapoel
4. Travis Teasdale
5. Jade Gudzeit
6. Kenny Gilbert
7. Altus De Wet
8. Henco Botha
Photo credit: Greg Miller – Twenty9Frames